KCC Heo Woong "I will make a statement when the results of the investigation come out...I sincerely apologize"

KCC Heo Woong "I will make a statement when the results of the investigation come out...I sincerely apologize"

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Heo Woong, a star player for the Busan KCC in the professional basketball league, on the 29th clarified his position regarding his recent court case with his ex-girlfriend.

"I sincerely apologize to the public and fans for the distress caused by my affairs over the past few days," Heo said through his agency, Key Player Agency, "The claims of the other party are not true, and we are actively cooperating with the investigation agency." He continued, "Rather than responding to the factual claims one by one, we want to reveal the truth as a result of the investigation.

"Rather than responding to the other party's factual claims one by one, I would like to reveal the truth through the results of the investigation," he continued, "I will not make any further statements and will explain my position to the public once the results of the investigation are available."

On March 26, Heo filed a complaint against his ex-girlfriend, A, at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul through his lawyer, Kim Dong-hyung, accusing her of attempted extortion, intimidation, and violating the Stalking Punishment Act.

In the process, Heo and his ex-girlfriend, A, 고스톱 게임 have been exchanging allegations about each other's personal lives.

Heo was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the 2023-2024 NBA Championship Finals and is the eldest son of former national men's basketball coach Heo Jae "Basketball President" Heo.

He has topped the All-Star fan vote for the past three consecutive years and is one of the most popular players in the league, having won the Most Popular Player award at the season's awards ceremony for five consecutive years.

"I would like to apologize to the late Lee Sun-gyun, his family, the fans who loved him, and his agency for the unnecessary mention of him," Heo said.


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